
our areas of intervention

our areas of intervention

Areas of intervention

The main areas of activity concerned by the official mandate of FONRID are:

  • Sectors concerned
  • Beneficiaries
  • Conditions of eligibility

Sector of activity concerned

Research, innovation and development activities concern (without being limiting) the following sectors :

  • Agriculture;
  • breeding;
  • peach;
  • forestry and all related
  • speculations;
  • as well as the food
  • industry;
  • human health ;
  • animal and traditional
  • pharmacopoeia;
  • energy;
  • water;
  • sanitation;
  • environment and climate change;
  • local materials;
  • building and public
  • works;
  • geology and mining;
  • equipment ;
  • Arts and crafts ;
  • culture ;
  • culinary arts;
  • plastic art;
  • art and culture of the mind;
  • education;
  • Economics and Law ;
  • security;

Main beneficiaries

  • Researchers, teacher-researchers,
  • doctoral students (in team)
  • Inventors and innovators (as a team),
  • Research centers and institutes,
  • Public or private companies (SMIs / SMEs, industries, etc.)
    Groups of innovative craftsmen,
  • Development associations,
  • Public and private research laboratories,
  • Public and private universities

Conditions of eligibility

1) Nature of eligible projects

There are 2 categories of projects applying for funding :

  • They can be projects COMMISSIONED by the Minister of RSI in quality on major or urgent topical concerns
  • Or COMPETITIVE projects, ie subject to competition between several teams of researchers or innovators.

Each team develops its research or innovation project around a theme or a problem previously identified and launched in a call for projects. These themes or issues generally come from the Strategic Plan of FONRID, CNRST or stakeholders and users.

2) Terms and conditions

  • The project is in harmony with the chosen theme;
  • The project file is complete and respects the required standard framework,
  • Applicants accept the conditions of the competition (evaluation by the fund bodies).

3) Project evaluation process

Generally, after the launch of the call for projects (in local newspapers, posters, etc.), candidate teams submit a project concept note (PCN) of 4 pages maximum. The NCP is pre-assessed by experts and if it is accepted, the team is called upon to write the complete project (PC) and to attach all the documents required for a complete file. This file is then submitted to CST experts who assess it. If the CST's verdict is positive and validated by the Board, then the team is officially notified and proceeds to sign an agreement with FONRID to begin the implementation of its activities.